14.01.2014 в 19:57
Пишет El_Sol:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CASSIOPEIA,where the hell are you?! We’re losing so badly in the digital sales,Realtime charts,EVERYTHING! We’re not even in the TOP 10! Are you so confident? ‘We have the physical sales,we’re number one,we’ll win isn’t it? WAKE UP! The physical sales can’t help them,the physical sales=10% of the points whether the digital sales=50%,bonus: Girl’s Day are dominating the digital sales and all the realtime charts! (No offence,I like Girl’s Day too). You only have to do something simple: Search 동방신기 Something on Melon,Bugs,Naver,Daum,Soribada,Monkey3 using INTERNET EXPLORER!!!!! Otherwise it won’t count! And stream Something on these sites. AND PLEASE CAN YOU ATLEAST WATCH THE MV BECAUSE THE VIEWS ARE REALLY…. WHAT A SHAME! IF YOU KEEP THIS ATTITUDE WE WON’T WIN THIS WEEK
CASSIOPEIA,where the hell are you?! We’re losing so badly in the digital sales,Realtime charts,EVERYTHING! We’re not even in the TOP 10! Are you so confident? ‘We have the physical sales,we’re number one,we’ll win isn’t it? WAKE UP! The physical sales can’t help them,the physical sales=10% of the points whether the digital sales=50%,bonus: Girl’s Day are dominating the digital sales and all the realtime charts! (No offence,I like Girl’s Day too). You only have to do something simple: Search 동방신기 Something on Melon,Bugs,Naver,Daum,Soribada,Monkey3 using INTERNET EXPLORER!!!!! Otherwise it won’t count! And stream Something on these sites. AND PLEASE CAN YOU ATLEAST WATCH THE MV BECAUSE THE VIEWS ARE REALLY…. WHAT A SHAME! IF YOU KEEP THIS ATTITUDE WE WON’T WIN THIS WEEK